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CISO Edge Cloud Security Platform

Secure Your Most Valuable Cloud Assets

Many organizations today contend with a patchwork of security solutions designed to protect traditional on-premises networks. With the rising popularity of remote workforce, BYOD, and cloud first applications, organizations struggle to extend their security fabric to these emerging environments. As more business critical workloads migrate to the cloud, this mismatch of security solutions leave critical gaps in security visibility that are often targeted by today’s threat actors. 

CISO Edge is a cloud-first security solution designed from the ground up to protect your users no matter where they are. As a powerful cloud-based platform, CISO Edge:

  • Eliminates concerns from untrusted home or public network pathways
  • Centralizes the security stack for policy enforcement, threat blocking, and monitoring regardless of user location
  • Provides Cloud Access Security Broker (CASB) capabilities to identify and control “shadow SaaS” cloud usage
  • Web browser isolation to thwart malicious websites from targeting your users

Improve your culture of cybersecurity…

  • Secure Service Edge: integrated security solution that connects users to cloud and web-based services and applications
  • Threat-informed Cloud Firewall as a Service (FaaS): similar to traditional firewall that filters out potentially malicious or harmful traffic, but is hosted in the cloud
  • Zero Trust Network Access (ZTNA): only allows users access to explicitly authorized applications and services
  • Remote Browser Isolation: secures web access by hosting sessions on a cloud-based server, rather than on an endpoint device
  • Threat Intelligence Services: data on cyber threat and context are gathered, analyzed, and used to help detect, respond, and prevent future attacks
  • Cloud Access Security Broker: security checkpoint that is situated between cloud providers and cloud network users
  • Centralized security protection for your users at home, in the office, and on the move.
  • Built in threat-informed defenses powered by ML-enabled threat intelligence feeds, dark web monitoring, and CISO’s team of expert threat hunters.
  • Skip the pitfalls of managing multiple cloud security toolsets. Our experts will configure, manage, and monitor your cloud environment.
  • Embrace the benefits of a secure cloud without the need for specialized expertise to deploy.
  • Easy access to CISO Global’s team of cybersecurity experts, compliance specialists, penetration testers, and threat hunters.
  • Protect compliant cloud workloads with a solution that is secure by design from day one.

Remote access and cloud computing offer tremendous upsides for organizations and employees, but they also make great targets for attack.

Secure Your Remote Work Force

Users working from home or on the move operate outside the boundaries of traditional on-premises security controls. It’s vital to ensure your users are secure no matter where they are and so your security controls must evolve to provide coverage beyond your enterprise network. CISO Edge is designed as a cloud centric security solution that can apply your organization security policies to your users no matter what network they are on.

The most used software by users is their internet browser, however the browser is also the most targeted piece of software by attackers. While on the Internet, your users are constantly bombarded by privacy invading trackers, web-based malware, and drive by attacks. The same web browser they use to login to critical business applications may also have a tab open to a popular social media website or another untrusted Internet site. CISO Edge provides a layer of security and control for your user’s Internet browsing by isolating the browser from their workstation and your critical business application ensuing browser-based attacks cannot be used to compromise your environment.

CISO Edge Infographic

Speak With a CISO Global Security Specialist Today

Our experts maintain the most respected credentials in the industry across cybersecurity, risk and compliance, forensics, incident response, ethical hacking, security engineering, and more.