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Virtual Chief Information Security Officer (vCISO)

Protecting your organization from cyber attack requires far more than implementing a few technologies, and hiring cybersecurity experts can be a challenge.

Global Cybersecurity Professional Shortage

61% of organizations said their cybersecurity teams were understaffed last year. (ISACA – Information Systems Audit and Control Association)

Leaving Cybersecurity Roles Unfilled Means Higher Rates of Attack

Of those organizations who have experienced more cybersecurity attacks in the past year than they did in previous years, 68% are somewhat or significantly understaffed.

Of Those Available, at Least Half Need More Experience

50% of hiring managers say their cybersecurity applicants are unqualified for the roles they are working to fill. (ISACA)

When you’re ready to invest in building a security program, hire an industry veteran to help lead the way.

vCISO Helps You Bridge Gaps

Rather than maintaining unrealistic expectations for candidates who are not yet equipped to lead a security program, a vCISO program may make more sense.

Outsourcing your senior cybersecurity leadership role to a part-time leader who is highly qualified, and staffing your team with employees who can develop greater expertise over time can give you the opportunity to grow your program faster. Further, investing in your developing mindshare by providing them with experienced leadership will give them a mentorship

You may know exactly what needs to happen internally, but don’t have time to manage those projects to see them through to successful completion. You just need them to be done, and done well. Our CISO Global experts can coordinate with your teams to help keep them on-track, supporting them along the way with resources and knowledge for better, more timely execution with Security Project Management. If your team is running thin and needs help executing, our teams are available to talk with you about that as well.

One of the key compliance obligations you are likely facing is an annual risk assessment. If your team, like most, is extremely busy, scheduling your assessment can be a real challenge. If you wait too long, you may not be able to book with the best providers, leaving you with a subpar engagement or final report­ – or even causing you to miss deadlines, altogether. As part of your GRC engagement, we can include your Annual Risk Assessment, so you know you are on the books and timed to be assessed when your priority projects are complete.

Defined as the system by which your organization directs and controls IT Security, your Information Security Governance program needs to be revised and updated regularly to reflect changes in people, processes, and technology. Organizations change inherently over time, and if your policies, procedures, and systems to do not reflect this change, you can experience gaps that may lead to either a successful cyber-attack or noncompliance. Our experts will work as an extension of your team to ensure your Information Security Governance systems follow best practices and are thoroughly up-to-date. Since we provide you with a central audit repository and management tool, your governance documentation will be audit ready when the time comes, preventing last minute scrambles to assemble and update information.
Learn More About Information Security Governance

If you are like most, you don’t have a lot of time to manage your vendors. However, when it comes to IT vendors, lack of proper management can mean finding out about technology updates or replacements at the last minute, misaligned projects, and more. With Vendor Management as part of your GRC engagement, we’ll help make sure your vendors give you early notice of future needs, deprecations, etc., in time to allow for internal budget and resource planning. We’ll also help make sure your vendors are aligning themselves to your business growth and development needs.
Learn More About Vendor Management

Speak With a CISO Global Security Specialist Today

Our experts maintain the most respected credentials in the industry across cybersecurity, risk and compliance, forensics, incident response, ethical hacking, security engineering, and more.